This is not like a movie title, not that short, maybe this fish really want to be called just 'wanda', instead of Humuhumunukunukuapua'a by Hawaiian.
And why the name is that long ?
There are various translations of the word humuhumunukunukuapua'a including "fish with a snout like a pig." Another translation says that the name means (loosely) a fish put together in pieces like a jigsaw puzzle, with a face like a pig. Another rumored reason for the name is that when it is caught and brought out of the water, it snorts like a pig. One of its defensive characteristics is its ability to puff up somewhat, wedging itself between rocks or in coral. When it is brought to the surface, this air is released, making the snorting noise. The word "pua'a" in Hawaiian means "pig." According to this version, the name, humuhumunukunukuapua'a literally means "fish who comes out of the water and sounds like a pig."
Scientist called her Rhinecanthus rectangulus or in english Reef triggerfish.
more info, visit www.infoanda.com
mba Sarah, ngapalin nama ikannya berapa lama ? kalo de' Rafi bisa seminggu tuh
pengen deh denger kamu ngucapin nama ikan itu tanpa liat teks 10 kaliiiiii aja.. hehe bener ga ya?
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